diy: necklace trees

I was looking for new jewelry holders for my expanding collection of necklaces, and found the ones at the home decor stores looked a little too artificial.  Also I thought it seemed a little funny to shop for a fake idea of something that exists in real life.  I decided to make my necklace trees myself.  Here - a step by step guide for anyone who might want a little diy project:

Step I:  Assume role of crazy branch lady as you gather fallen branches off the ground in your near-by park. Look for branches that have many off-shoots to maximize necklace-hanging options. Also consider how big you want your necklace tree to be and look for branches that won't overlap too much with one another when nailed side-by-side. Once you've brought them home, wash them in warm, soapy water, scrubbing off any dust and dirt. 

Step II: Let branches dry a few hours...

Step III: Paint branches your desired colour. I chose white because it went well with my walls, and because as my room is quite small, I didn't want to crowd it with more dark colours.

Step IV: Nail branches to the wall in the thicker parts of the branch's trunk.  Two nails per branch should be enough.  It might also help to flatten the branch by slicing the edge with a scalpel, before nailing the nail in.

Ta-da! Sorry about the grainy bedroom is very dark, unfortunately..

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