I finally found the perfect neon nail polish! I don't know what took me so long, but there it was, at American Apparel. And because I've spent most of the summer sans neon, I'll be making up for lost time during the upcoming fall months as well (and I can't believe we're mid-way through August!). Anyway, the more I did with my newly painted nails, the more I realized everything looks better with neon, whether I'm ...
Petting my Money Tree...
Pouring imaginary tea...
Holding little fuzzy branches...
Eating a BLT sandwich...
Writing a homemade card...
Sealing said homemade card...
Or, my personal favorite, when covered in silver...
While I normally reserve the word 'obsession' for describing desserts and unsuspecting people, and don't generally like to 'obsess' over anything that serves the sole purpose of enhancing appearance, any photos I may take in the near future will most likely serve as proof of this feeling - as close to obsession as I'll let myself get.
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