My 2021 Fool Proof Plan This Cannot Fail I Have Never Given Up On Blogging In The Past Why Should This Be Any Different

While blowing out my candles on my 34th birthday, surrounded by my loving family, I had an epiphany:  I’m ancient. A fossil. Old news. 

Alright, it wasn’t that bad, and I’m not that old, but I’m in my mid-thirties and one thing I regret, aside from the whole bat soup situation that started last year, is not really holding myself accountable for the last couple of years of my life. Sometimes, when days look similar, it’s easy to just let them drift by, until it’s suddenly December 31st and you can’t think of what you did this year that mattered. Maybe this doesn’t resonate (as in, you don’t look back on your year on this earth with utter dread LOL), in which case I’m jealous of you. But for me, accountability is the theme for 2021, and I’ve divided that into categories in which I’m challenging myself to progress every month:

Learning Something
Could be something as simple as how to tie a sailor’s knot, which ..I’m not sure why that’s my example but I’m too lazy to hit Backspace now so

Something Productive
This could be a project or just an item off one of those neverending to-do lists

Something Social
I have terrible social anxiety so I’m being very lenient in this area, but the idea is to make an effort

Something Caring
This is my favourite one, and it involves just making sure I do something kind for someone (or several people if I can!)

Something New
Going somewhere new. In this aforementioned bat soup situation we’re in, we’re currently restricted to a 5km radius, so I’m not about to jet off to Jerusalem, but again…just seeing a new place would be enough. It could be walking by a new heroin junkie street. The possibilities are endless if you get creative

Something Creative
I love this one a lot because I often push chores ahead of creative opportunities. Take a back seat, Swiffer, mama’s got a Microsoft Word trial and she’s not afraid to make plain-text blog posts in it.

The last few months have been a really rough road for me, so I’m being kind to myself at the moment and not stressing myself out too much over getting back on track. As long as I make some kind of effort, this one gets a little imaginary cat sticker. 

Monthly Challenge
Okay no, this is a category for just a different type of effort I would like to focus on. A different sort of challenge.

So, with that said, my next blog post will be a January Roundup! I wonder if maybe this might inspire anyone else to take on a few concrete challenges throughout this very relaxing and peaceful year where we have nothing else to worry about LOLOLLOLOLOLLLLLLLROFL 

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